Monday, August 22, 2011

A Pedophile's Dream

A rather disturbing article on CNN today.
A company is now marketing lingerie for children as young as four years and up to 12 years old (kids and “tweens”). See article
An ad displaying a 10 year old female, with heavy make-up, lying on a bed with satin sheets and wearing a lingerie gown-type outfit, complete with stiletto heels has been circulating in the media and causing a well-deserved outrage.
Obviously, I have a problem with the fact that kids, who don’t (or shouldn’t) know what lingerie even is, modeling and being exploited by the company and the camera person, but what the heck are the parents thinking of?!?
Remember Jon Benet Ramsey?  Parading in pageants and then found dead?
Before any parent decides to put their child in a “modeling” program, the local law enforcement agency should be on hand to educate them on how some pedophiles think and how to protect their children from those predators.
Some photos that most adults would find innocent in a publication, pedophiles take great relish in. 
I’ve spoken to detectives investigating pedophiles who have told me that some have poster boards or collages of photos cut from everyday magazines showing babies getting their diapers changed or small children in various forms of undress that most people wouldn’t even bat an eyelash at, much less a full-on photo shoot involving a minor in lingerie.
Parents and family members can research their neighborhoods for registered sex offenders and pedophiles using numerous databases (, among others).
Just think.  How easy is it for you to pick up your child and give them a hug? 
How about someone else?

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