Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Las Vegas Metro protects Sr. Posts and Demands 8 Million in Cuts - Really?!

Who’s supposed to tighten whose belt?
Sheriff Gillespie recently addressed his constituents at a LVMPD “ACTION” meeting and again, told them that everyone needed to “tighten their belts” due to another eight million dollar that needs to be trimmed off of current Metro spending.
Right after that meeting, LVMPD announced that Greg McCurdy would be promoted to Assistant Sheriff, a position that was soon to be vacant, but many critics have deemed unnecessary as there are two assistant sheriffs already in place.
Rumor mill has generated stories about other administrative officials planning on retiring but deciding on other positions in Metro, running into roadblocks during the plan to retire, etc.  So why was McCurdy promoted if Metro is trying to trim their budget?
Some say of his whining about not getting the job.  He had anticipated getting the job and, I’m sure, let down after initially not getting the notice.
He has had his share of internal investigations and not the most reputable person in Metro’s arsenal to be promoted.
How about the “Chief of Staff” position exclusively formed to position Kathleen O’Connor in the family tree, next to the sheriff?  Never had a Chief of Staff before.
Metro has been criticized numerous times due to the excessive, top heavy administration of the department, and now they are actually forming new positions for the “good ole boy” group.
What is the purpose of the new positions and promotions?
Clark County population is steadily decreasing.
Metro is looking at reducing the pay and benefits of personnel.
LVMPD has been losing senior officers  to retirement at a record pace and not replacing them.
Nevada has THE highest employment rate in the country.
The city and county are hounding LVMPD to cut costs, due in part to lacking property tax incomes.
Yet, Metro has a new “headquarters” that will cost approximately 367 million dollars in rent, 300 percent more than what they were paying before they moved into the building.
Oh yeah, they have to staff security for the new buildings at a cost of 42 officers off the streets (not in initial cost of building or Metro’s budget).
Some of the “residents” in the new building have aversions to the colors in their new offices and had them repainted, at an additional cost.
Other additional modifications were done to placate the staff after the building was completed.
Brand new furniture was purchased for all the offices.
The old, but still functional, furniture and equipment was either thrown or given away.
The civilians and officers of LVMPD have cinched their belts as tight as they can, but the level of arrogance shown by the administration in face of that is atrocious.
What’s next? 
We don’t have any “Generals”…

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