Friday, September 9, 2011

What would you do to be on TV?

Hot sauce vs. soap?
An Alaska woman was sentenced to three years of probation for “child abuse” for forcing her 7 year old son to drink hot sauce and to take a cold shower as a punishment for not telling the truth.


What happened to all the parents that forced their kids to wash out their mouths with soap for lying and using profanities?

Have you seen the ingredients in soap lately? Same ingredients as engine degreaser and asphalt cleaner. That’s outright poisoning.
I don’t see anyone raising hell about that.
Oh, but they didn’t video themselves doing it…that’s right.
If she videoed herself administering corporal punishment, such as a spanking, would she still be in trouble?

Next question. What was she trying to prove by videoing her administration of punishment?
The judge believed she did it to be on TV.
Balloon child.

In order to get the media attention he desired, a father fabricated a UFO shaped balloon and launched it, claiming that his 6 year old son was inside as the helium balloon flew uncontrolled for 50 miles around the countryside. The military participated in the event with 2 helicopters for 3 hours at a cost of $4,600.00 and $700.00 an hour each. The local airport was shut down briefly for the event. Local emergency crews also responded. The child was found hiding in a box in the family’s home. All for dad’s desire for attention so he could get his own tv show.

Teenage moms.
MTV chronicles the adventures of four teenage mothers and their babies. Other shows mimicked the series and actually documented acts of domestic violence, spewing of obscenities and borderline child neglect and abuse.

Now teenage females talk of getting pregnant so they might be on TV and they can showcase their parental skills at their best (not to mention a potential payday).

Parade your kids on stage.

Kid’s beauty pageants have been around for a while. The problem now is between cosmetics and children’s clothing manufacturers and the parent’s “ingenuity”, the pageants have turned into a little more than a pageant. More like a “Victoria’s Secret” show.

Parents are padding their kid’s chest and buttocks area. Plastering make-up all over their face. All for the sake of “beauty”. All while the pedophiles salivate as they watch, and plot.

Reality shows.

Why would you allow a television production company to come in and invade your privacy, document your private life, your problems? If you had/have problems with your life and now your life is a stage, can you blame the production company? Commit suicide and the whole cast and your family blame the tv show, but they still sensationalize the show, still collecting a paycheck.

Is it really worth it? It supposedly cost one reality show cast member his life. A family lost their child after parading her on stage. Another is facing jail time for domestic abuse.
Can they garnish that paycheck for counseling or bail?

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