Thursday, October 13, 2011

These superheroes don't have their own comics

These superheroes don't have their own comics.
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “superhero" as: a fictional hero having extraordinary or superhuman powers; also: an exceptionally skillful or successful person.
On October 9, one of Seattle's most, probably only, popular superhero was arrested.
Yes, Seattle has a superhero. Actually, they have a group of superheroes called the "Rain City Superhero Movement". (
Evidently only one of the movement has been proactive.
“Phoenix Jones" was arrested for pepper spraying several citizens whom he believed were involved a street fight.  Extraordinary or superhuman powers? Skillful or successful?
I’m pretty sure pepper spray is not extraordinary or super human unless you have a natural tendency to spray it from a body orifice. I'm also pretty sure that you would not want to deal with the consequences, personally, after you’ve sprayed someone.
Evidently, Phoenix also carries some sort of stun device. Again nothing special.
As far as skill, I'm not sure who came up with his costume but it is pretty sharp, with a built-in, bullet resistant vest and stab protection.
Success? While dressed up in his fancy costume and in patrol mode, his mode of superhero transportation is…wait for it..... his godmother’s Kia. When police were notified of a masked man driving a Kia, they tracked the registered owner down and asked if she knew who was driving her car. She stated it was her godson and he was out “doing good deeds”.  So much for the secret superhero lair.  When he was arrested for the pepper spraying assault, he was booked in under the name of Benjamin John Francis Fodor.  So much for the secret identity.
Okay, at least he has transportation, but as for meetings with the other superheroes...... well, I wonder about these meetings. When they decided to form this movement and come up with their costumes, were they all playing with latex and spandex? I'm guessing Phoenix is the chief “Superhero”, or the president or whatever they call the head of the superhero group. Did they vote him in based on his powers? Or is he the only one that had superhero transportation?
The superhero group has a membership of 9 superheroes, including Phoenix Jones. For some odd reason, Phoenix's wife, Purple Reign, is not listed among the members, who are identified as; Thorn, Buster Doe, Green Reaper, Gemini, No Name, Catastrophe, Thunder 88, Penelope and Phoenix Jones.
I couldn't find any crime busting stats for any of the other eight superheroes.
Honestly, I am hoping that they come out with a calendar with photos for each month of each superhero. Since I could find no statistics on the other members, my imagination is running wild. Purple Reign? Penelope? I'm not sure how the ratio of women to men among the superhero ranks is but some of the costumes I've seen on the female superheroes in the movies keeps me wanting more.  
Believe it or not, we found that there are even more superheroes in Seattle, but they don't want to be associated with the “Rain City Superhero Movement”. Two other heroes named “Capt. Ozone”  and “Night Owl”  do not want to be recognized as members. Seattle, not Gotham City, Smallville, or New York even, must be the superhero capital of the world.
Here in Las Vegas, ”Batman” was seen on the strip getting his ass kicked by a drunken tourist.  I would post the link but some of the language is not family friendly.  Check it out on YouTube. 
Evidently superheroes in Las Vegas don't cut the mettle.
Guess that's why they're called Street performers, not superheroes. Or maybe that's the Superhero Junior Varsity Boot Camp.....

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